Saturday, March 29, 2008

Reminder: Earth Hour Tonight

Yesterday afternoon, a co-worker asked me if I had any big plans for the weekend. I told him, casually, I am going to turn my lights off for an hour. Imagine my thrill when he told me that he, too, was planning to observe Earth Hour, studying by candlelight. I wrote about Earth Hour last month, and but no one seemed interested at the time. I think I was a little bit ahead of the game, posting so far in advance. It just seemed so exciting to me.

Now that the timing is more appropriate, Earth Hour is finally getting some attention. The Google page is all black today, with a link to Earth Hour; it is one of the top stories on Yahoo news. The event has already come and gone in Sydney, where the movement originated last year, and by all accounts was a huge success. So please consider participating. It is simple, really. All you need to do is turn off your lights for one hour, starting tonight at 8 pm.


Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Well, I may not have commented, but I saw it on your blog and others and checked it out a little and planned for it. Was thinking if many people participate, that it would be a good dark sky night. Good night for the stars!

Debbie said...

New visitor here :) I just this week heard about Earth Hour and then again read it on E&P (Mary & Michael)and saw Google was all black.

I'm going to give it a go and do my part too! I love your blog header and am heading back to read more. 4 hours till lights out :)

a/k/a Nadine said...

Thanks for the reminder!

Woman Warrior said...

Oh berrybird- I didn't mean to insult your good intention with my rant against Earth Hour on my blog... but it wasn't so much against Earth Hour as it is against the idea that one hour on one day ACTUALLY is enough to make a difference. I've been reading you for a while, and I know that you make good lifestyle choices- so that wasn't really for you. It's just for those morons who think one little action (as opposed to reducing their energy consumption daily, even by an hour) is going to solve an international energy crisis... You know I'm just freaking out about being back here... Sorry...

BerryBird said...

Welcome, Debbie! Thanks for stopping by and saying hi.

Woman Warrior, no worries, I knew you weren't directing anything towards me. We're cool :)